lisa durell ARCHITECT
new garages, entertainment area refurbishment - vincent, east london
alteration + addition
An existing house with heritage status, the existing garages in the house basement do not accommodate the height of a modern vehicle.
Instead of interfering with the existing house to accommodate extra cars, new garages were proposed separate from the house, on the busy street boundary. This created a planted entrance courtyard behind, transforming the family's space available for socialising. In addition, the garage roof is planted, softening the street and the courtyard, making the arrival to the house a very pleasant experience. The existing main bedroom can now also enjoy its northern aspect with additional privacy from the busy road and with views onto the planted courtyard and roof below.
The public spaces and kitchen have been organised to work coherently and to compliment the Clients' need to entertain for large numbers. The existing kitchen and entertainment area were re-orientated and opened out to the back garden. Decks were used to create an easy transition between existing uncomfortable level changes and to define special spaces in the garden.