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balcony addition to an existing house - gonubie, east london

Alteration + Addition

A large and bulky existing house on a spectacular site overlooking the Gonubie river, the Clients use this home as a getaway for family and friends and for holiday entertaining.  There is a need for additional covered outside entertainment space and visual access to the wonderful view up and down the river.  In addition, the neighbours' extensions are impacting on the privacy of this property.


A visually light structure was proposed to minimise the bulk of the new addition and to complement the existing building.  The new steel structure is clipped onto the building and wraps around the side, creating a secondary entrance.  The addition changes in character depending on its function and the privacy requirements, but is consistent in structure so as to respond to the grid of the existing building.  Decking and planter boxes will assist in making the outside entertainment area cohesive.  Planting will be encouraged on the new structure to provide screening from the neighbours as well as to soften the outside spaces, providing shading. 



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